Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle – LAS
Beauvais – France
Year 1
Specialization: Plant Breeding
English language
Universitat Politècnica de València – UPV
Valencia – Spain
Year 2
Specialization: Breeding of Fruit (Trees) & Ornamentals
Spanish language
Ege University – EgeU
Izmir – Turkey
Year 2
Specialization: Breeding of Grapevine & Vegetables
English language
University of Helsinki – UH
Helsinki – Finland
Year 2
Specialization: Breeding of Forest Trees & Field Crops
English language
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU
Uppsala – Sweden
Year 1
Specialization: Plant Biology
English language
emPLANT is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Plant Breeding organized by a consortium of five Universities and Graduate Schools across Europe :
The map shows the location of each university.
UniLaSalle is the coordinating institution of the emPLANT Consortium.
All these universities are highly qualified and experienced in the field of plant breeding, plant biology, seed technology and biotechnology and in teaching courses related to it. In addition they have strong links with the professionals of the seed industry and agricultural organizations in Europe and in the world as proved by the many associated partners of the emPLANT project.
A little bit of History
The lack of comprehensive international multi-disciplinary MSc programmes in Plant Breeding is the reason why a network of top-notch Higher Education Institutions in plant breeding in Europe have decided in 2015 to found the European Plant Breeding College via an Erasmus + Strategic Partnership so as to create a knowledge hub in the field of plant breeding to further improve the employability of their Master students, exchange and implement innovative teaching methods, share best practices, initiate a dialogue with the seed industry on the skill sets of future plant breeders and develop joint curricula in the field of education in plant breeding on Master level.
Based on this experience and on several years of preparatory work, this group has now come together to make the next step and to create an Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Plant Breeding named emPLANT.