Administrative procedure - France - emPLANT+ Master

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Visa information
European students

If you come from Europe (including Switzerland, Monaco and Andorra), you don’t need any visa to come and study in France during your first master year.

Non-European students

Visa procedure is generally quite long (it can take 2-3 months), so be careful and better start the procedure as soon as possible.

To start your first year in Beauvais – France, all non-Europeans will need a long-stay visa marked “student – mobility”, which will allow you to apply for a residence permit within 2 months after your arrival in France. This residence permit will allow you to travel within the Schengen area.

The visa application can be done through a special website set up by the French government:

Before applying for a French visa, you must obtain a document proving that you have been accepted by a higher education institute in France.

Your passport must be valid long enough to cover your stay in the Schengen Area (valid until 3 months after the expiry of your visa).

Campus France: Obtaining a long-stay visa under the CEF procedure

If your country is a member of the Campus France network, you must also obtain approval (avis favorable) from Campus France following specified procedures.

The CEF procedure offers prospective students the benefit of guidance and support over the entire application and admission process. It also allows students to track the progress of their applications and to request their visa online. Prospective students who open a personal account on the Campus France Website in their country are able to prepare an online admission application and to chat with the staff of the local Campus France office and with representatives of the institutions to which they hope to be admitted.

If you come from a country where the Campus France procedure is compulsory and if you want to spend your first emPLANT year at UniLaSalle, please open a personal account on the Campus France website right after receiving your acceptance letter.

Accommodation insurance and civil liability insurance

If you live in France, this type of insurance is compulsory. At your arrival on campus you will be automatically registered to an accommodation insurance as the fees are included in the participation costs of the programme. Except if you don’t live on campus, in that case you will have to take care about your registration and payment on your side.

It is also compulsory in France to have a civil liability insurance. If you are registered to the accommodation insurance of the school, the liability insurance will automatically be included.

Health insurance
  • Students from the European Economic Area
    You have to provide to UniLaSalle your European health insurance card (nominative, individual and valid one year)
  • Students from outside the European Economic Area

In France, the registration to the basic French health insurance (named social security) is not mandatory provided the students have another health coverage which is the case for all emPLANT students.

But it is strongly advised for students staying one year or longer. Indeed, some administrative paperwork are easier after registration to the social security.

Moreover if you intend to make an internship in France, the registration to the French social security is mandatory.

This registration is free and can be made upon arrival.

For more information about the social security, please have a look to this video.

The health coverage given by the Social Security is of about 70% of any medical treatment.
The remaining 30% can be covered by private insurance companies which usually offer advantageous rates to students.

All emPLANT students are covered by Dr Walter Insurance Broker, a complementary insurance for the remaining 30% mentioned above.

More information about that insurance here.

Bank account

If you are staying in France for more than 3 months, you can open a bank account (free of charge) in any French bank. The opening of a bank account will provide you with a credit card (cost for international credit card is around 40-50€/year according to the bank).

It is really easy to open a bank account in France, you need to provide:

  • Photocopy of passport & visa (and bring the original with you)
  • Proof of accommodation (delivered by International Department upon your arrival)
  • Proof of enrolment/ “certificat de scolarité” (delivered by International Department upon your arrival)
  • French student card

It is mandatory for all non-European students to open a French bank account as well as emPLANT scholarship holders (both Programme and Partner Country).

If you are a European student who don’t receive an emPLANT scholarship, you are not obliged to open a French bank account but it is strongly recommended to ease your everyday life.

Last updated : August 27, 2021